Digital Resources Computer Science
The offer in the field of informatics currently includes 40 databases. The most important resources are summarized here. As a rule, you will not find any references to German publications here.
- Full-text publications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Additional services (e.g. Reference Linking)
- Conclusion: Extensive material on all areas of computer science
2) IEEE Explore
- Full-text access to more than 5 million publications of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- Additional services (e.g. Reference Linking)
- Conclusion: Extensive material on all areas of computer science
3) Eurographics Digital Library
- Information from the field of computer graphics
- among others the journal Computer Graphics Forum and the papers of the Eurographics Conferences since 1980 in full text
- Conclusion: Important database in the field of visualization
1) ArXiv
- Document server for preprints
- primarily physics, mathematics, computer science
- monthly increase up to 7000 documents
- Conclusion: Very good addition, but the documents have not gone through a review process.
2) Computer Science Bibliography
- references, no full texts
- comprehensive overview of the research literature
- Conclusion: A good supplement